
发表时间:2021/03/30 00:00:00  来源:“ZZer”转载  作者:Kate Sykes  浏览次数:4945  

  在古墓丽影粉丝圈有着不小知名度的凯特·赛克斯(Kate Sykes)给我的印象一直是个让人又怜爱又佩服的小姑娘,更重要的,她和我一样是古墓丽影的真铁粉。现在小姑娘愈发能干了,自己执导并主演了第一部粉丝电影《雅典娜(Athena)》,并在今天得到了官方的推荐,让我们一起来欣赏并支持一下吧。

原视频网址:https://youtu.be/ihX0r2CFQoI(发布者:Kate Sykes)

12 years after her mother’s disappearance, a young woman inherits the family estate upon turning 18 and soon discovers a hidden secret that will change everything, including her.
This is the first short film written, directed and produced by Kate Sykes and inspired by the Tomb Raider franchise - to help change perceptions of how those with disabilities are portrayed on screen.
If you enjoyed this film, please help spread the word and share with your friends. Let's help create more relatable action/super heroes for everyone!
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