粉丝电影:升天(Tomb Raider Ascension)

发表时间:2013/05/06 00:00:00  来源:“ZZer”转载  作者:Stephen Reynolds  浏览次数:2790  


故事劳拉的旅程的开始,她的崛起,成为“古墓丽影”。古老的玛雅文明在墨西哥数百年前创造的一个神圣的神器,相信背后的玛雅历法结束于2012年举行的秘密。随着家庭管家,温斯顿,教育她的一切,他已经学会了从她父亲的升天石,拉拉头遵循古雷在英格兰的心脏深处埋在她的第一主角。一旦下来,她发现比她更曾经希望,很快就实现了她的叔叔,她已经很长一段时间一直在问的问题的答案。电视拉奎拉制作导演:斯蒂芬·雷诺兹主演:安娜Tyrie,菲利普Goldacre,彼得磨损,休海明斯,杰米·邓库姆,阿瓦亨特Gabriella Higginbottom的

Takes the story back to the beginning of Lara Croft's journey, showing her rise to become "Tomb Raider". A sacred artifact created by the ancient Mayan Civilization in Mexico hundreds of years ago, believed to hold the secrets behind the end of the Mayan calendar in 2012. With the family butler, Winston, educating her about everything he has learned from her Father about the Ascension Stone, Lara heads off to follow her first lead buried in an ancient mine deep in the heart of England. Once down there she discovers more than she had ever hoped for and soon realizes her Uncle has answers to questions she has been asking for a long time.

TV Aquila productions

导演:Stephen Reynolds

演员表:Anna Tyrie, Philip Goldacre, Peter Wear, Hugh Hemmings, Jamie Duncombe, Ava Hunt, Gabriella Higginbottom









Tomb Raider Ascension FAN FILM 2008 PART 1
Takes the story back to the beginning of Lara Croft's journey, showing her rise to become "Tomb Raider". A sacred artifact created by the ancient Mayan Civilization in Mexico hundreds of years ago, believed to hold the secrets behind the end of the Mayan calendar in 2012. With the family butler, Winston, educating her about everything he has learned from her Father about the Ascension Stone, Lara heads off to follow her first lead buried in an ancient mine deep in the heart of England. Once down there she discovers more than she had ever hoped for and soon realizes her Uncle has answers to questions she has been asking for a long time.
TV Aquila productions
Directed by: Stephen Reynolds
Cast: Anna Tyrie, Philip Goldacre, Peter Wear, Hugh Hemmings, Jamie Duncombe, Ava Hunt, Gabriella Higginbottom
