发表时间:2013/07/02 00:00:00 来源:“ZZer”转载 作者:Sara Larochelle 浏览次数:5926
Tomb Raider Bow and Arrow by Sara Larochelle
(Time to make: 15 mins - Cost: $2.97)
Reference Picture:
You will need:
- 5 or 6 thin tree branches (4.5 to 5 feet long) without stems
- Cotton Cord
- Some tape
1 - Get branches: from the picture, you can see they are good flexible branches that are slightly bent already
3 - Cut away anything that sticking out and will make it uncomfortable for you to use
then cut one more piece that's 10 feet long
Use the longer piece to make the handle, Hold one end and start wrapping the other around the bow like this:
Sara Croft aka Sara larochelle: Gallery - Facebook - Twitter