亚马逊上架古墓丽影系列20周年纪念册 10月18日发售

发表时间:2016/04/25 00:00:00  来源:“ZZer”转载  作者:雨乔  浏览次数:5609  

  近日亚马逊上架了一款《古墓丽影》20周年的纪念册产品,硬皮材质,由Prima Games出品,商品将会在今年10月18日发售,售价25美元,该纪念册将包含众多有关于《古墓丽影》20年里的珍贵图片资料和文字内容。

亚马逊上架古墓丽影系列20周年纪念册 10月18日发售

  在商品描述中,介绍提及该商品将包含许多未公布的图片和内容,领域涉及角色、背景知识、漫画、电影以及游戏等,其中还包括未发售的游戏作品秘史等。此外纪念册还将包含制作团队(Core Design和水晶动力)、作曲人、动作捕捉和声优等重要采访和制作趣闻。

  整个纪念册共计272页,由Meagna Marie VanBurkleo著称,并将在10月18日正式发售,同时SE也期待能够在那时发售PS4版《古墓丽影:崛起》。





PAX East #TombRaider20 Announcement: Official 20 Years of Tomb Raider Book

Another Tomb Raider treat was revealed today at our PAX East panel – “Lara Croft: The Undisputed Queen of Gaming.” A premium hardcover offering, 20 Years of Tomb Raider explores the ground-breaking, rich, and diverse history of the iconic gaming franchise. 

Highlights include:

  • Previously unpublished images as assets
  • Packed full of information on the rich lore, iconic characters, epic fan community, and of course, the games that started it all
  • Exclusive interviews from Core Design, Crystal Dynamics, official voice actors, composers, live action models, comic artists, and more
  • An in-depth look at all games in the franchise, with insights into unreleased titles
  • Covers the entirety of the Tomb Raider universe – games, comics, Hollywood movies, pop culture influences, and the community.

Written by lifelong Tomb Raider fan and Crystal Dynamics Senior Community Manager Meagan Marie, 20 Years of Tomb Raider goes on sale this October. Pre-order your copy today.

Throughout 2016 Square Enix, Crystal Dynamics, and our passionate community will be celebrating 20 years of an icon. Be sure to follow the #TombRaider20 tag throughout the year for more announcements, and use the hashtag to share your memories and tributes to the franchise throughout the past two decades. 
