古墓丽影最初于1996年的10月发布,劳拉之父Toby Gard和出色的Core Design团队将幻象变成了现实。他们当时并不清楚作品将会取得怎样的成就,但事实是他们取得了巨大的成功。在当年余下的时间内古墓丽影和劳拉克劳馥迅速成为了家喻户晓的名字,而古墓丽影也超越了游戏领域,以一个流行文化标志在历史中镌刻了属于自己的辉煌。
这个月的庆祝活动由我最喜欢的艺术家之一安迪·朴(Andy Park)的作品拉开序幕。古墓丽影的粉丝们熟知朴是因为他是Top Cow公司的古墓丽影漫画的主要执笔者。而在月末,Toby Gard的作品将为这个活动收尾。而在他们俩之间出场的艺术家暂时保密,作为惊喜。
另外,在10月份还会有其他一系列的庆祝活动,包括10月14号在纽约漫画展上的一场签名会,主角是一位参与了上述创作的艺术家。而作为长达一个月的各项庆祝活动的结尾,一些特别的T恤和海报将在 The Nerd Machine网站上出售,收益当中的一部分将捐献给Child’s Play慈善事业。
我希望大家能够喜欢我们委托的所有艺术家的作品,这个活动不仅是为古墓丽影献礼,而且是为古墓丽影的粉丝们献礼。没有你们的支持我们就没什么好庆祝的了。晶体动力,还有曾经的Core Design,都清楚的意识到这么多年中古墓丽影系列的追随者一直的支持是多么的重要。在这里我诚挚得说——谢谢大家。
——梅根·玛丽(Meagan marie)
Tomb Raider Celebrates 15 Years With A Unique Digital Art Exhibition
October has finally arrived, and I couldn’t be more excited to share this pet project with you!
Tomb Raider was first unleashed on the world in October 1996, manifested from fantasy to reality by creator Toby Gard and the talented crew at Core Design. Little did they know how successful their adventurer would become; skyrocketed to a household name within the year and carving a place in history as a pop-culture icon transcending the gaming space.
To celebrate the 15-year anniversary Crystal Dynamics is playing curator to a unique digital art exhibition, commissioning eight original pieces by a selection of esteemed artists. The pieces will showcase the new vision for Lara Croft, whilst embracing the individual style of each participating artist.
We’re kicking off the month with one of my personal favorite artists – Andy Park. Tomb Raider fans know Park as the primary penciler behind the Top Cow Tomb Raider comics. We’ll conclude the month with a much-anticipated piece by Toby Gard himself. The artists between will remain a surprise!
Additionally, during the month of October a series of events will be held to mark the celebration, including a signing by a participating artist at New York Comic Con on October 14. As a finale to the month-long event, a limited selection of T-shirts and posters will be available for purchase from The Nerd Machine with a portion of the proceeds to benefit Child’s Play charity.
Make sure to visit Tombraider.com/15 every Monday and Friday throughout October for another tribute, ready to adorn your desktop or favorite mobile device. Thanks to Hiptic.com for the wonderful splash page!
I hope you all enjoy the pieces of art we’ve commissioned – this project began as a tribute to Tomb Raider, but also as a tribute to fans. We would have little to celebrate without you. Crystal Dynamics, and Core Design before us, know how important the support of franchise followers has been throughout the years. I say with all sincerity – Thank you.
Meagan Marie