
发表时间:2011/04/26 00:00:00  来源:“ZZer”转载  作者:未知(改版遗失)  浏览次数:3840  



Crystal Dynamics hires Meagan Marie as new Community and Comms Manager for Tomb Raider
 April 25th, 2011

Crystal Dynamics Global Brand Director Karl Stewart has announced throught Twitter that Meagan Marie will become the new Community and Comms Manager for Tomb Raider starting Mid-May.

Meagan Marie had been working for Game Informer since 2008 after graduating from the University of Minnesota with a degree in graphic design and journalism/mass communications. She is also very know to the Tomb Raider community with her very cool cosplay feature as Lara Croft in the Tokyo Dress in November 2010.

We welcome Meagan Marie into the Tomb Raider Community with open arms, and you can follow her on Twitter @_MeaganMarie_.
