2024年9月20日官网新闻:背景故事 - 《古墓丽影:生存者三部曲》康拉德·罗斯

发表时间:2024/10/05 00:00:00  来源:古墓丽影网站  作者:“ZZer”翻译  浏览次数:599  

【古墓丽影网站】2024年9月20日官网新闻:背景故事 - 《古墓丽影:生存者三部曲》康拉德·罗斯

  Tomb Raider Survivor Trilogy Lore: Conrad Roth

  Sep 20, 2024


  Few people were more important to helping a young Lara Croft become the hero she is today than Conrad Roth.

  A veteran of the Royal Marines, Conrad Roth was captain of the Endurance, a research vessel named for his hero, the explorer Ernest Shackleton. Roth hunted artifacts and treasure around the world, eventually working as a guide for Lord Richard Croft, Lara’s father.

  As Lord Croft fell further into obsession after the death of Lara’s mother, increasingly neglecting his daughter, Roth became closer to Lara, looking after and nurturing her. When a young Lara proudly showed Roth a piece of jade she discovered on a dig, Roth turned it into the necklace she would come to cherish. After Trinity murdered Lord Croft, Roth became Lara’s legal guardian, teaching her skills like climbing and survival.

【古墓丽影网站】2024年9月20日官网新闻:背景故事 - 《古墓丽影:生存者三部曲》康拉德·罗斯
  Lara would eventually grow up to serve on the Endurance under Roth (alongside Samantha Nishimura) during archaeologist James Whitman’s expedition to find the lost kingdom of Yamatai. It was Roth who trusted Lara’s navigational instincts, leading the vessel to shipwreck on the fabled island.

  Roth helped Lara survive multiple times on Yamatai, saving her during the storm that wrecked the Endurance while guiding her across the island in search of their lost crewmates and rescue, even providing her with her iconic climbing axe and a pair of pistols.

【古墓丽影网站】2024年9月20日官网新闻:背景故事 - 《古墓丽影:生存者三部曲》康拉德·罗斯
Roth and Lara on Yamatai
  Roth would ultimately give his life to protect Lara from the Solarii Brotherhood as it fought to resurrect Himiko, Yamatai’s immortal queen. Lara was heartbroken to lose yet another parental figure in her life but resolved to move forward with the lessons he’d taught her.

  Catch up on Lara’s full adventures before the October 10, 2024, Netflix premiere of Tomb Raider: The Legend of Lara Croft with the Tomb Raider: Definitive Survivor Trilogy, available now!

  The Tomb Raider: Definitive Survivor Trilogy is available now on:

  ● Steam

  ● PlayStation

  ● Xbox
