2024年8月8日官网新闻:走进古墓丽影 - 劳拉·克劳馥(经典时代)雕像!
Go Behind the Tomb of the TOMB RAIDER: Lara Croft (Classic Era) Statue!
Aug 8, 2024
Dark Horse Direct和水晶动力工作室携手开启古墓探险,Dark Horse设计团队以原版古墓丽影游戏为灵感,首先是绘制草图,捕捉劳拉的动态姿态,身边被长矛和火焰环绕,手握司祭盎神器;一个真正的行动和探索的时刻。
Dark Horse Direct and Crystal Dynamics entered the tomb with the Dark Horse design team kicking off the project with sketches inspired by the original Tomb Raider game, capturing Lara in a dynamic pose surrounded by spears, flames, and wielding the Scion artifact; a true moment of action and discovery.
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As we moved into 3D modeling, every detail of Lara’s attire and iconic features such as her dual pistols, backpack, and signature braid were carefully rendered. Adjustments were made to ensure accuracy, from the warmth of her bag, the vibrancy of her hair, and the expressiveness in her eyes.
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As the base began to form, a key addition was the Roman soldier skeleton beneath Lara, providing historical accuracy and enhancing the Egyptian tomb theme. Romans were likely to have looted ancient Egyptian tombs during this period, as evidenced by discoveries at Egyptian archaeological sites. This skeleton adds historical context to the location and complements Lara’s daring escape and she attempts to leave with the Scion artifact.
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From this point, we 3D print the approved sculpt and send it to one of our fabulous painters to bring it to life. We send them reference material to which they do their best to match as accurately as possible.
一旦所有修改得到批准并最终确定,我们将自豪地推出“古墓丽影:劳拉·克劳馥(经典时代)雕像”,它证明了劳拉在游戏和流行文化中的标志性地位。随着Dark Horse Direct和水晶动力工作室的合作不断推进,他们将继续庆祝古墓丽影的冒险、发现和坚定精神。
Once all revisions are approved and final, we proudly present the Tomb Raider: Lara Croft (Classic Era) Statue, which stands a testament to Lara’s iconic status in the gaming and pop-culture world. As Dark Horse Direct and Crystal Dynamics move forward in their partnership, they will continue to celebrate adventures, discoveries and the determined spirit that is Tomb Raider.
Lara Croft (Classic Era) PVC Statue
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