
发表时间:2024/07/08 00:00:00  来源:古墓丽影网站  作者:“ZZer”翻译  浏览次数:420  

  An image of Croft Manor with a person in a blue cleaning suit posing in front of it.

  Clean Croft Manor in Free PowerWash Simulator Expansion

  Jan 18, 2023

  Lara Croft’s magnificent manor is coming to PowerWash Simulator in a free expansion for anyone who owns the base game!

  Whilst some seek the thrill of adventure, others prefer good clean fun - that’s where you come in! Grapple with grime in the ultimate quest to defeat all dirt covering Croft Manor and its grounds, along with Lara’s trusty vehicles.

  The expansion features five new levels with a standalone story, all set within the Croft family’s beautiful estate. You’ll spray through:

  · 克劳馥庄园:这座著名的庄园已陷入破败之境,而你有机会让它重焕昔日辉煌。
  Croft Manor: The famous mansion is in a sorry state, and you have a chance to bring it back to its original glory.

  · 障碍赛道:曾经是提升你冒险技能的好地方,现在则是测试你强力清洗技巧的绝佳场所。
  The Obstacle Course: Once a great place to develop your adventuring skills, the obstacle course is now a great place to test your power washing prowess.

  · 克劳馥庄园迷宫:穿过迷宫本身就已足够具有挑战性,而脏污更是健康的威胁。清理它,让迷宫中的唯一威胁变成迷路——而不是变脏。
  Croft Manor Maze: Finding your way through a maze is challenging enough without it being a grimy health hazard. Clean it up so the only threat is getting lost - not getting grubby.

  · 劳拉的吉普车和摩托艇:连劳拉的车辆也需要清洗。你需要深入这些机器的每一个缝隙和角落,让它们恢复到劳拉可以再次带它们去冒险的状态。
  Lara’s Jeep and Motorboat: Even Lara’s vehicles are due a wash. You’ll need to get right into the nooks and crannies of these machines to get them back into a state where Lara can take them out adventuring again.

  · 宝藏室:无价之宝遇上高压强力清洗机。这听起来像是一场灾难的配方,但你是专业人士。让这些令人惊叹的宝藏再次闪耀光芒。
  The Treasure Room: Priceless artifacts meet high-pressure power washer. It sounds like a recipe for disaster, but you’re a professional. Make these stunning treasures sparkle again.

  《古墓丽影特别包》现已登陆PC、Xbox、PlayStation和Nintendo Switch平台
  The Tomb Raider Special Pack is available now for PC, Xbox, PlayStation, and Nintendo Switch!
