官方博客 - 25周年庆:桌面角色扮演游戏

发表时间:2021/12/31 00:00:00  来源:古墓丽影网站  作者:“丘丘”翻译  浏览次数:1781  



  劳拉•克劳馥RPG游戏《古墓丽影》最新动态 + 封面曝光
  Lara Croft's Tomb Raiders RPG Update & Cover Reveal

  Hey Raiders!

  We wanted to offer you a quick update on Lara Croft’s Tomb Raiders, the free tabletop RPG we announced during our 25th Anniversary Celebration! While we intended to release the game to you all before the holidays, we need just a bit more time to put the finishing touches on both the core rulebook and the first campaign book, Mark of the Phoenix. You can expect both to launch in early 2022.

  That said, today we want to reveal the covers for both books, designed by none other than our very own Brenoch Adams!

Lara Croft's Tomb Raiders Core Rule Book Cover

Lara Croft's Tomb Raiders First Campaign Book Cover

Both books are overflowing with amazing art by Kameliya Minkova and Johann Blaise, inspired by and celebrating scenes and characters from the classic, reboot, and survivor eras, as well as the movies! Here's a tease of some of the beautiful artwork you'll find inside:

Illustration of raiders in an ancient tomb
*(Above) Art by Johann Blaise

A raider deciphers runes on a stone dais

Raiders run from an ancient beast inside a tomb

Raiders encounter The Iris artifact on a plinth

  Thanks for your patience as we finalize the books – and start assembling your group for when the game launches early next year!

