

发表时间:2010/12/23 00:00:00  来源:古墓丽影网站  作者:“ericspeed”翻译  浏览次数:3431  

这周我们常规的Game Informer Show节目将休息一周,取而代之的是一个特别版本的播客,内容是有关我们目前的封面故事——晶体动力引人注目的古墓丽影系列的重启。关于这点在古墓丽影的爱好者中已经引起了热议,所以今天我们有机会让读者向游戏的工作人员提问。晶体动力的全球品牌经理Karl Stewart和古墓丽影系列的监制Tim Longo很给力的来到了我们的GI Show,他们将针对读者的提问给出令人感兴趣的回答(由我们的封面故事作者Meagan Marie和GI的编辑Matt Miller提问)。你提出的问题被主持人提问了么?听完了你就知道了。当然,这对古墓丽影的粉丝来说是必须的。




Special Edition Podcast: Tomb Raider

We're giving the regular Game Informer Show a rest this week in favor of a special edition podcast for our current cover story, Crystal Dynamic's bold reboot of the Tomb Raider franchise. There's been a flurry of interest in this story from the Tomb Raider community, so we thought we'd give our readers a chance to ask the people working on the game questions about the game. Crystal Dynamics' global brand manager Karl Stewart and Tomb Raider franchise director Tim Longo were nice enough to call in to the GI Show, and give some intriguing answers to reader questions (posed by our cover story author Meagan Marie and GI editor Matt Miller). Did your question get asked? You'll have to listen to find out. Either way, this is mandatory for Tomb Raider fans.

Note: The opening and closing music to the podcast is a sneak peak at a track from the game itself.


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