官方博客 - 25周年庆:封面重塑 - 若昂[Bilingual]
Box Art Reimagining: João
We’ve lined up four talented community artists this month to reimagine Angel of Darkness’ moody box art.
Today we are featuring João, but you may know him as Jho_correa on twitter, whose take on Lara’s Parisian adventure is delightfully dark and gothic.
The full version of Tomb Raider fan and community member João's reimagined take on the Angel of Darkness box art
Below, João shares his long history with the series and breaks down the other video game art styles that inspired his reimagining:
My name is João. I’m a graphic designer from Brazil. I’ve been doing graphic design for over 10 years now and illustration has always been a great passion of mine. I started creating digital art and designs back in 2008 because of the ‘Tomb Raider Underworld fan artwork’ thread on Tomb Raider Forums. That’s where it all started for me, and I was able to graduate design school and make my living off of it. Doing this piece for the 25thanniversary it’s an honor to me. I feel like everything came full circle and I couldn’t be happier. It feels like a dream. I have been a Tomb Raider fan since the late 90s and this franchise is something I am so passionate about that it became part of who I am. I learned so much and met so many people because of it. I’m still amazed at how life changing a videogame can be and I am happy to be now officially part of the 25th celebration. Thank you for having me!
Needless to say, João's love for the franchise shines through in both this piece and his story and we're really happy he agreed to work with us! The thing we love about this reimagining series the most is how diverse different artists styles can get and how each piece has a story behind it. We asked João about his own inspiration and he had much to share!
So for this piece I wanted to focus on the gothic aesthetic present in the game. Instead of doing something completely new, I decided to go back to what made the original cover so striking to me.
标志性的蓝色火焰,劳拉背后敞开的铁门,底部的欧洲景观,劳拉站在这样的画面中央,她的英姿极具冲击力。我深受内克罗(Nekro,西班牙80后插画师、数字艺术家)、比尔·埃利斯(Billy Bogiatzoglous,又名Billelis,英国数字艺术家)和基利安·英格(Kilian Eng,瑞典插画师)的艺术作品启发。我还从其他电子游戏中获得灵感,如《血源诅咒》《恶魔城》和《渎神》,我想方设法让这些灵感得以展现出来。我喜欢用他们的美学元素来制作游戏周边。两侧巴洛克风格的雕刻都在述说着自己的故事。在左侧,我们看到埃卡德特(Eckhardt)被真理之光组织(Lux Veritatis)封禁,而在右侧,我们看到一种使用黑魔法来复活的仪式。他在飞升!他走出囚禁的深渊,走进了21世纪。这位黑炼金术士就活在当今的世界里。在底部,我尝试使用代表绝望和混乱的雕塑。劳拉正跨越在这些雕塑之上,这代表着她为自己正名、让一切重回正轨的旅程(并在这个过程中拔掉她的“肉中刺”,不知道我这样理解对不对?)。沾满鲜血的双手代表了……一种选择。我不确定用鲜血涂满她的标志性双枪是不是一个好主意,但我还是决定这样做,因为这会为整个故事增添一笔色彩。创作这件作品绝对是一件乐事!在我目前的作品中,这是我最喜欢的作品之一,我打心底希望所有人都和我一样喜欢这件作品。
The iconic blue fire, the iron gates opening behind her, the European panorama at the bottom and Lara’s striking figure standing ever so heroic right in the middle of the scene. I was heavily inspired by the arts of Nekro, Bill Elis and Kilian Eng. I also took inspiration from other videogames such as Bloodborne, Castlevania and Blasphemous, and I made sure to make these inspirations obvious. I love make game cross-overs using their aesthetic elements. The baroque-like carvings on the sides are supposed to tell a story. On the left side we have Eckhardt being banned by the Lux Veritatis, while on the right we have a sort of resurrection through the dark arts. He is ascending! Out of the depths of his imprisonment, into the 21st century. The black alchemist lives in a world of today. At the bottom I tried to use sculptures that represent despair and chaos. Having Lara almost walking over it, it’s supposed to represent her journey to clean her name and put things right (and remove the thorn in her side in the process, am I right?). The blood covered hands were...A choice. I was unsure if it was a good idea to cover her iconic duals in blood, but decided to go for it anyway because it adds to the whole story. It was an absolute joy to work on this! Turned out to be one of my favorite pieces I have ever done, and I hope from the bottom of my heart that everyone else enjoys it just as much as I do.
本月在我们四位庆祝《古墓丽影:黑暗天使》的社区艺术家中,若昂是第二位。现在让我们来看看卡莱布·格罗韦斯(Caleb Groves)独特的、风格化的封绘。点击此处链接下载不同版本的若昂作品!
João is the second of four community artists we are featuring this month to celebrate Angel of Darkness. Now check out Caleb Groves’ unique, stylized take on the box art. You can download different version's of João's piece, here!