官方博客 - 25周年庆:封面重塑 - 安迪·帕克(Andy Park )(英文原稿)

发表时间:2021/06/20 00:00:00  来源:“ZZer”转载  作者:古墓丽影官方  浏览次数:2012  

 官方推出《古墓丽影4》重置封面艺术画,由安迪·帕克(Andy Park )绘制。以下是原文,本站正在翻译中。


【古墓丽影网站】25周年庆:封面重塑 - 安迪·帕克(Andy Park )


  Box Art Reimagining: Andy Park

  Join us as we take a trip down memory lane filled with ancient tombs, stunning ruins, and mysterious artifacts from Cambodia and Egypt. Tomb Raider IV: The Last Revelation released in 1999 and fans were thrilled that Lara would return to her roots with an adventure set almost entirely in Egypt.

  We knew our community would be excited at this artist reveal, as most Tomb Raider fans are no stranger to him! As always, the box art reimagining series will showcase the iconic Lady Lara Croft in a wide array of unique styles. Expect to see her adventures represented in concept art, comic book art, and anime, among others. A new artist will be revealed each month but for now, lets turn the spotlight on this month’s artist!

  We’re absolutely thrilled to reveal our Tomb Raider IV collab with comic and concept artist Andy Park!

【古墓丽影网站】25周年庆:封面重塑 - 安迪·帕克(Andy Park )
Reimagined Tomb Raider IV box art by Andy Park features Lara holding up two pistols with a horde of skeleton knights behind her in ancient ruins

  Andy is known across entertainment industries. He was the primary artist on our very on Tomb Raider comics published by Top Cow Productions in 1999, before working on the God of War franchise as a concept artist at Sony Santa Monica Studio. In 2010 Andy joined the Marvel Studios family, where he now works as their Visual Development Supervisor. His most recent work includes concepting Wandavision’s stunning Scarlet Witch outfit.

  Given how busy Andy is with his current MCU roster, we were both excited and extremely grateful that he accepted this project. He’s drawn Lara many times in the past 20 years, and we were excited to see what direction his personal vision would take.

  “Throughout my 25+ year career I’ve had the chance to illustrate Lara Croft from her comic book debut series from Top Cow Productions in the early 2000s, to covers for her subsequent comic book series at Dark Horse Comics, to several illustrations done for the past several rebooted Tomb Raider video game series from Crystal Dynamics. So getting to do a tribute piece for one of the original classic games in Tomb Raider IV: The Last Revelation was nothing but pure pleasure and an honor. For this piece I wanted to make it as iconic as possible. Even though she wielded a flashlight in the original box art I had to depict her with her classic double silver Colt M1911s as she prepares to encounter her skeletal adversaries deep within an Egyptian temple. Her costume is essentially the one I drew during my days drawing the Tomb Raider comic book series so this one brought back a ton of memories that will last me a lifetime. I never get tired of illustrating this icon. It’s like visiting an old friend throughout the years! I can’t wait to see what the future holds…” -Andy Park

  We know you’re already itching to download your next desktop or mobile wallpaper to kick off TRIV month, so you can download a zip file featuring his work in different sizes here. Be sure to print this piece and pop it into your jewel case for an updated look if you can!

【古墓丽影网站】25周年庆:封面重塑 - 安迪·帕克(Andy Park )
A photo of the new reimagined TRIV box art and original box art in jewel cases. They are next to Sphinx and the Amulet of Horus props.

  (Amulet of Horus by Xeno-Morpheus )

  If you missed on the Tomb Raider III redesign by Paul Kwon (Zeronis), check it out here!
