2021年3月16日官方博客 - 25周年庆:《堡垒之夜》联动《古墓丽影》

发表时间:2021/03/20 00:00:00  来源:古墓丽影网站  作者:“ZZer”翻译  浏览次数:3534  



  Lara Croft Joins the Fortnite Family

  Our #TR25 festivities continue with an epic Fortnite collaboration! Journey forth in search of adventure in Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 6. Lara Croft joins the Fortnite family with multiple unlockable styles and gear in this season’s Battle Pass.

  We’ve had a blast working with Epic to get classic and modern Croft content into the game, and are thrilled that she’s featured in the Battle Pass.

  For those of you unfamiliar with how the Battle Pass system works, here is the intel:

  ● 《堡垒之夜》是一款免费的多平台游戏,拥有多种模式。《战斗通行证》专属于“大逃杀”模式。
  ·Fortnite is a free-to-play, cross-platform game with multiple modes. The Battle Pass is specific to the “Battle Royale” mode.

  ● 你可以花费950 V-Bucks(大约10美元)购买可选的第六章第六赛季《战斗通行证》。
  ·You can buy the optional Chapter 2 Season 6 Battle Pass for 950 V-Bucks, which is roughly $10.

  ● 购买并解锁《战斗通行证》后,你收集的XP将用于升级和解锁仅供装饰的内容。有多种每周挑战会奖励XP,而且你只需参加比赛就能获得XP!《战斗通行证》中共有100个等级可供解锁。
  ·By purchasing and unlocking the Battle Pass, the XP you collect goes towards leveling up and unlocking cosmetic-only content. There are a variety of Weekly Challenges that reward XP, and you’ll also earn it just by playing matches! There are 100 levels to unlock in the Battle Pass.


  Once you’ve unlocked an Outfit, it’s yours to keep and you can customize it with a variety of gear:

  ● 背部装饰:酷炫的配饰,你猜对了,可以穿戴在角色背部
  ·Back Bling: Cool looking accessories that – you guessed it – are wearable on the back of your character

  ● 冰镐:用于采集游戏中的资源以供建造或造成近战伤害
  ·Pickaxe: Used to harvest in-game resources for building or deal melee damage

  ● 拖尾:在比赛开始时,当你的角色从战斗巴士(前往岛屿的交通工具)自由落体时,为你的角色增添一丝视觉效果
  ·Contrail: A bit of visual flare for your character as they freefall from the Battle Bus (your transportation to the island) at the start of each match

  ● 滑翔伞:帮助你在自由落体后安全降落到岛屿上
  ·Gliders: Help you safely descend to the island after your freefall

  ● 皮肤:定制你的武器和车辆的外观
  ·Wraps: Customize the look of your weapons and vehicles

  ● 你还可以选择加载屏幕和音乐、横幅、各种表情符号、表情和喷漆,在岛上时使用。
  ·You can also choose a loading screen and music, a banner, a variety of emotes, emoticons, and sprays to use during your time on the Island.

  ● 定制好角色后,你可以将其保存到《堡垒之夜》储物柜中,以便在比赛开始前快速访问/切换外观。
  ·After you’ve customized your character, you can save it to your Fortnite Locker to quickly access it/swap between looks before the start of a match.


  As for TR goodies, here’s the scoop:

  ● 生存者劳拉装扮和幸存者背包背部装饰在《战斗通行证》15级解锁。
  ·The Survival Lara Outfit and Survivor’s Pack Back Bling unlocks at level 15 of the Battle Pass.

  ● 周年版劳拉在《战斗通行证》22级解锁。解锁后,你可以从装扮菜单中选择生存者劳拉,并编辑她的风格来访问新外观。
  ·Anniversary Lara is unlocked at level 22 of the Battle Pass.  After unlocking her, you can access the new look by selecting Survival Lara from the outfit menu, and editing her style.

  ● 经典劳拉和她的背包背部装饰——灵感来自核心设计工作室的经典渲染图——将通过在赛季期间完成特定的《战斗通行证》挑战来解锁——每周将开放一定数量的挑战。
  ·Classic Lara and her Backpack Back Bling – inspired by classic Core Design renders – will be unlockable by completing specific Battle Pass challenges throughout the season – a set number of challenges will become available each week.

  As you level up the Battle Pass, you’ll also get access to other Tomb Raider themed goodies – the Pry Axe Pickaxe (Level 16), the Spelunker’s Special Contrail (level 17), the Evasive Maneuvers Emote (Level 18), the Salvaged Chute Glider (level 20), and a banner, spray, and emoticon.

  You can choose between different game modes each match, including Solo, Duos, Squads, Team Rumble, and other limited time modes. For those of you new to Fortnite or Battle Royale games, we highly suggest that you start with Team Rumble. This mode is team-based and allows respawns. It’s a super fun and low-pressure way to learn Fortnite mechanics before moving your way up to your first solo Victory Royale.

  That’s it for now! We’re so excited to see your clips and screenshots with Lara in action on the Island. Be sure to tag us on social so we can share them!

  Update 3/18

  如Square Enix Presents所宣布,克劳馥庄园将于3月23日作为可玩冒险内容登陆《堡垒之夜》创意模式!联盟工作室一直在努力打造这个中心,我们迫不及待地想让你试玩!3月23日,一定要访问《堡垒之夜》创意模式和《堡垒之夜》官网以获取更多信息!
  As announced during Square Enix Presents, Croft Manor is coming to  Fortnite Creative as a playable adventure on March 23! Alliance Studios has been hard at work on the hub and we can’t wait for you to play it! Be sure to check out Fortnite Creative and Fortnite.com on March 23 to learn more! 


