
发表时间:2015/08/30 00:00:00  来源:古墓丽影网站  作者:ZZer  浏览次数:5957  

【本站相关链接:与劳拉“接头”得iPad Mini

为庆祝《劳拉GO(Lara Croft GO)》正式发售,制作方史克威尔艾尼克斯蒙特利尔工作室召集了4位劳拉进行了一次与玩家的“秘密接头”行动,目前,行动已在伦敦地铁上顺利完成,看看4位美丽的劳拉和幸运的接头人吧。


Check out our gallery of photos from the Croft cosplay outing on the London Tube! 

A handful of lucky commuters spotted our Crofts and were rewarded with an iPad Mini 3, perfect to play Square Enix Montreal’s new title Lara Croft GO.

Thank you to our cosplayers for suiting up to deliver gifts yesterday: Athora Cosplay,Lisa Marie CosplayLady Scion, and Lara Eliza.

Lara Croft GO is available now for iOS, Android, and Windows Mobile devices.
