古墓丽影公关助理 凯瑟琳·旺迪埃 离职

发表时间:2013/08/25 00:00:00  来源:古墓丽影网站  作者:ZZer  浏览次数:5866  

2013年8月20日,古墓丽影官方微博发布消息,古墓丽影公关助理 凯瑟琳·旺迪埃(Catherine Vandier)已经离职,目前在另一家视频游戏公司担当公关及社区主管。凯瑟琳原本是一名记者,更是法国古墓丽影粉丝网站阿尔邦队长(Captain Alban) 的管理员,2012年2月13日,古墓丽影官方微博发布了她正式加入史克威尔艾尼克斯法国公司的消息,职务为公关助理,主要是为官方撰写公告和收集媒体信息。2013年1月31日,官方社区经理梅根在发给粉丝网站的邮件中透露,凯瑟琳将在游戏发售前后几个月兼任她的助理。而今,游戏发售5个月后,凯瑟琳离开了古墓丽影。


I am very excited to announce a new addition to the French Square Enix team – Catherine Vandier!

The Tomb Raider community may better know Catherine as Clara from Captain Alban. Clara is one of the hardest working and most dedicated webmasters I’ve had the pleasure of collaborating with, so to have her join the Square Enix family is a perfect fit.

Catherine’s new title is PR assistant, and she’ll have her hands plenty full over the coming months.

In her own words:

“My job is all about the press: I write press releases and send out assets to magazines and websites. I also compile the press previews and reviews of our games for follow-up. We then send out those compilations to the dev teams for constructive feedback. I also assist with game previews and developer interviews for journalists.

“Coming from the press side (I was working as a journalist up until last January), it’s fun and very interesting to see the industry from this perspective. Even though I had some experience in the field, I learn a lot day by day. Working in the video game field has been a goal of mine for a long time. I applied to this job opening and when I heard I was accepted, there’s no word that can describe how happy I was (and still am!). Of course I still have a lot to learn but I am up for the challenge. And fortunately I have great teachers!”

Help me welcome Catherine to her new position!

Team Tomb Raider (left to right): Tristan Perdriau, Lara Croft, Iris Gicquel, Catherine Vandier, Sacha Ramtohul


Welcome Catherine!
You might have noticed that I’ve been extraordinarily busy the past few months. Despite my best efforts, I’m not able to keep up with my workload. You can only work so many 60+ hour weeks before you need help. That’s where Catherine comes in. Most of you know Catherine as Clara, who previously ran Captain Alban before being hired as a PR intern at Square Enix France. Catherine is going to split her time between French PR and Tomb Raider activities leading to launch, and then will dedicate herself fully to helping me manage our bright new community come launch day and for several months after.
To help ease my workload, if you have standalone requests (questions about an asset, timing, events, and so on), I’d appreciate it if you can message community@crystald.com from this point forward. Only Catherine and I will have access to this email address, but it will greatly help our ability to respond to your requests and concerns if we’re both aware of them. Please don’t announce that Catherine is joining the team publicly just yet – we’ll do that closer to launch. For now, I will remain the public community contact.


Catherine’s New Adventure

Hello everybody!

I’ve got simultaneously sad and happy news to announce - Catherine, who was working as PR at Square Enix France before joining the Community team at Crystal Dynamics last February - is moving on. While I’m sad to lose her, she’ll be taking up a great gig as a PR & Community Executive at another video game company. Catherine wanted to share a few words with you before embarking on her new adventure. 

Dear Tomb Raider fans,

I have been a gamer for as long as I can remember, and a fan of Lara Croft for a very long time as well. I think that, even before Tomb Raider existed, I was looking for that kind of hero. I started playing on an Atari 2600 with Mario Bros. A lot of games influenced me over the years, such as Alex Kidd, The Incredible Machine, Carmen Sandiego, Goblins and Myst. But none of them had an impact as strong as Tomb Raider did. 

After high school, I started studying archaeology – NOT because of Lara but mostly thanks to my mother who teaches History – but, when I met the Eidos team in 2005 for a Tomb Raider Legend press event, I was amazed by how fun, down-to-earth and lovely those people were. And they got to work with video games all day! How did I not know that people could do that?! From that moment on, I knew that I wanted to be part of that world. So I got my degree and started working as a journalist, always keeping an eye on what was happening in the video game industry. When I finally got a break and was hired to work as a PR Assistant by Square Enix France, a little less than two years ago, I couldn’t believe how lucky I was. I still can’t believe it, actually. Not only did I get to join a company that I really admired, but I also got to work on franchises that I adore. 

Joining Crystal Dynamics after that was dream come true, especially for a Tomb Raider fan like me. Of course, there was a lot of work involved – a LOT more than what I expected. It was all so worth. Between the press events, E3, all the Community gatherings and Eurogamer… not to mention all those fascinating things I got to do, like working with a TV crew at the studio, or writing thePassport to Adventure features for Facebook. These have been 2 incredible years and I feel like I should thank a lot of people for that: Meagan of course, for trusting me with everything; Tristan and Sacha at Square Enix France for being so supportive; and thank you, you all, for being such an amazing bunch of inspiring, passionate and creative people. I fell in love with the job, and that’s because of you. 

I will miss working with you but, like Lara, I am not a beginner anymore and I am now ready to tackle new challenges! In the meantime, I’ll get back to the Tomb Raider fan side and I will see you all very soon. Like you, I CAN’T WAIT to see what’s next for Lara!

Peace Out.


This isn’t goodbye, as I expect nothing could keep Catherine from continuing to be a pillar of the Tomb Raider community. Now she can even avoid spoilers! :P
To Catherine - thank you for your hard work and enthusiasm leading to, during, and after Tomb Raider’s launch. Congratulations on the new gig - you’ll wow them, for sure. 

 Photos by Sacha Ramtohul | Square Enix France | Crystal Dynamics

