
发表时间:2012/10/05 00:00:00  来源:古墓丽影网站  作者:ZZer  浏览次数:4081  

  史克威尔艾尼克斯公司为“孩子的游戏(Child’s Play Charity)”慈善机构正在举办艺术品义拍活动,包括古墓丽影在内的多款史克威尔艾尼克斯旗下游戏相关的艺术作品通过“孩子的游戏”eBay商店正在拍卖,所得款项将全部用于该机构的慈善活动。

  成立于2003年的“孩子的游戏(Child’s Play Charity)”是游戏产业的慈善机构,专注于通过捐赠玩具和游戏来帮助那些住院中的孩子们。在游戏厂家和社区的资助下,主动筹集了数百万美元去帮助他们在全球的医院网络。

  本次史克威尔艾尼克斯公司提供的艺术作品是史克威尔艾尼克斯旗下游戏热血无赖(Sleeping Dogs)杀出重围(Deus Ex)杀手(Hitman)古墓丽影(Tomb Raider)提供,既有官方艺术家的手稿和设计草图,也有一些玩家作品和签名印刷品。义拍已筹备了几个月,除了史克威尔艾尼克斯公司提供经费外,也得到了ebay网站的大力支持。义拍将在10月13日(星期六)结束,正好配合史克威尔艾尼克斯在10月11到14日纽约动漫展的相关宣传活动。


  原始丙烯画“猎人·猎物(Hunter Hunted)” ,古墓丽影粉丝普里西莉娅·托马斯(Priscillia Thomas) 作品,原画大小11 x 17,画框大小21 x 25。目前有7人出价,拍价达到33美元。


  拍卖页中的艺术家简介:Artist Bio: Priscillia Thomas is a graphic designer and illustrator residing near Paris, France. She had a few of her Tomb Raider fanworks published by the Advanced Creation Photoshop magazine, and was granted twice a "Daily Deviation" by DeviantArt staff members. Born with a joypad in her hand, Priscillia has always drawn and painted video game illustrations, in many different styles. Priscillia worked for a web and publishing agency before she was hired by Etam group in June 2010, when she joined the lingerie team as graphic designer. Her job now consists of creating prints and patterns for nightwear.

  原始墨水画“黎明(The Darkest Hour)”,古墓丽影艺术总监布莱恩·霍顿(Brian Horton) 作品,原画大小11 x 17,画框大小21 x 25。目前有11人出价,拍价达到36美元。

  拍卖页中的艺术家简介:Artist Bio: Brian Horton is a 16-year veteran of the video game industry and is the Senior Art Director on Tomb Raider. Brian is also an illustrator and fine artist; his work has been shown in publications and galleries throughout the world. Brian lives in Foster City with his wife Susan and two children Victor and Evelyn. Please follow @brianhortonart on Twitter for news and updates.

  亲笔签名印刷品食腐者要塞(Scavenger Stronghold),古墓丽影概念画艺术家布雷诺克·亚当斯(Brenoch Adams)作品,原画大小11 x 17,画框大小21 x 25。最终拍得405.99美元(折合人民币2503元)。 

  拍卖页中的艺术家简介:Brenoch Adams has been working as a concept designer in the gaming industry for over 6 years. His work has been featured in a variety of publications, galleries, and film festivals worldwide. While at San Jose State University, Brenoch studied traditional illustration, and 2D/3D animation. Before video games, he worked as a snowboard graphic designer at Aero Custom rides, and as an illustrator for Fox Racing Co. In 2005, He was hired by Nihilistic Software as a concept artist to work on Conan for the 360/PS3, as well as a variety of other titles. He is currently working as Senior Artist at Crystal dynamics in Redwood City providing concept art for Tomb Raider.  

