古墓丽影粉丝手工作品大赛 (“By Hand“ Forum Contest)[Bilingual]
It's competition time again!
(Short attention span? Don't fancy a long read? Click HERE for a super short summary of this comp)
As you may have noticed from the timestamp of this post, we have been planning this comp for quite some time! As promised, this comp is EPIC; our largest one yet! (Both in prizes and in comp terms.)
论坛成员Rian aka LARALOVERnr.1去年和我们联系了一段时间,分享了关于此次赛事各自的观点。他之前已经自己组织了一些比赛。他帮我们计划了这次比赛并且还会继续下去。正因如此,他也就成为了本次赛事的官方评委。
Forum member Rian aka LARALOVERnr.1 has contacted us some time last year to pitch the idea of this comp to us. He has been running a few of them himself in the past. He has helped us out planning this comp and will also give us a hand running it. Because of all of this, he will have a seat on the official jury in this comp.
Because we liked Rian's idea so much, we wanted to make sure there will be a fitting prize. Meagan asked one of the devs to make something special for this comp. He just finished it a few days ago....and special it is! The prize looks gorgeous! But more on the prizes later, first I'll tell you what this comp is all about.
This time we'd like ya'all to get crafty and create a piece of TR Fan Art BY HAND.
Drawings, paintings, paper craft, custom toys, jewellery, crafts using clay, felt, nature things (leafs, stones, twigs, etc), Papier-mâché, aluminium foil, fabric (e.g. making clothes), cork, matches / Popsicle sticks, Lego, meccano or cardboard, scale models, sewing, knitting, baking (cakes, sweets, cookies, etc), sand sculptures, welding, hand-made cosplay accessories.....anything goes, as long as it's Tomb Raider related and not done on the computer.
click to enlarge
— 你可以把在这次比赛之前做的东西拿来参赛。
- You are allowed to enter with something you created prior to this comp.
— 每人或每个团队(或家庭)最多只能提交5件作品。
- Maximum number of entries per person/household: 5
— 这次比赛将历时两个月整,这样可以给每人足够的时间来参赛!
- We're running this comp for a whole 2 months this time, to give everyone plenty of time to come up with something spectacular!
注:你参赛的时候可以用任何一个古墓丽影中的角色或场景,但鉴于此次赛事也是对于2012年新古墓丽影的一个鼓励因素,如果你想参加,晶体动力可能(根据参赛物的好坏)把参赛物送到红杉市(美国加州)的办事处,然后这件参赛品会在工作室门厅陈列柜的显眼位置得到展示,这样每位员工和参观者都可以欣赏你的作品,不管它有没有在这次比赛上得奖 。
Note: Your entry may depict any character or scene from the TR universe, but as an extra incentive to create something related to the upcoming Tomb Raider (2012) game, Crystal Dynamics may (depending on quality) offer to pay to ship said entry to the office in Redwood City, if you're willing to part with it. It will then receive a prominent place in a display case in the studio's lobby, so that every employee and visitor can admire your fan art, whether it wins in this comp or not
在之前的比赛中我们有一些独特的奖项,但这次那可是“相当”独特。晶体动力的艺术指导布莱恩·霍顿为了这次比赛特地画了一张纯手绘图 ,他会将这张图赠予一位“超级幸运”的粉丝,同时也会给其他3位获胜者有框签名的手绘复制品。
We've had some exclusive items before in previous comps, but this time the prizes are really exclusive. Crystal Dynamics' Art Director Brian Horton himself has made an original HAND DRAWN sketch, which he created especially for this forum comp. He'll be giving that original piece away to one VERY lucky fan, as well as a set of framed and signed copies to 3 additional winners.
Yes, folks, this mean that one of you is going home with the original version of a sketch made by a Tomb Raider developer. You'll own something totally unique, a one-of-a-kind in the whole wide world!
Prize #1:
— 11×14” (28×35厘米)的布莱恩·霍顿炭画手绘,有签名外加画框:16×20”大画框
- 11x14" (28x35cm) original hand drawn charcoal illustration by Brian Horton, signed and framed in a massive 16x20" frame
— 有古墓丽影商标的乐斯菲斯夹克(XL号)
- Tomb Raider branded North Face Jacket (XL)
Prize #2:
— 5×7”有框的布莱恩·霍顿签名作品复制品
- Photocopied, 5x7" framed illustration signed by Brian Horton
— “Day One”印刷品限量版
- Limited Edition “Day One” Print
Prize #3:
— 5×7”有框的布莱恩·霍顿签名作品复制品
- Photocopied, 5x7" framed illustration signed by Brian Horton
— Nerd Machine “15周年庆”T恤(XL号)
- Nerd Machine “15-Year Celebration” T-shirt (XL)
Prize #4:
— 5×7”有框的布莱恩·霍顿签名作品复制品
- Photocopied, 5x7" framed illustration signed by Brian Horton
— Nerd Machine “15周年庆”海报
- Nerd Machine “15-Year Celebration” Poster
click any of the Polaroids to enlarge
(Brian not included in the prizes. Sorry, ladies.)
How to enter:
第一步 – 连接 http://pic.driber.net/up,可以通过摄像头拍照或图片扫描的形式上传编辑你的作品。
Step 1 - Make a photo or scan of your entry and directly upload the original, unedited file from your camera or scanner with this link: http://pic.driber.net/up
第二步 – 网站会生成一个图像编码,这很重要,请记住!
Step 2 - Post the generated image code in this thread. IMPORTANT! DO NOT FORGET THIS STEP!
How do I win?
There will be 4 winners in 4 different categories:
- 大冠军:官方评审小组投票选举出一件令人印象深刻的作品。此获奖作品的赢家拥有选择奖品的首选权。
- Grand Champion: The most impressive entry as voted by an official jury. This winner gets first choice of prize.
- 论坛投票:公众投票选出一件最令人印象深刻的作品。此获奖作品的赢家拥有选择奖品的第二选择权。如果论坛投票获奖作品的得票数与官方评审小组投选出的大冠军获奖作品的票数一样,将会发起更高一轮的票选。
- Forum Choice: The most impressive entry as voted by the public. This winner gets second choice of prize. If the Forum Choice winner is the same as the jury-selected Grand Champion, the second highest voted entry will be selected.
- 最具原创性的作品:官方评审小组投票选出一件最具创意或原创性的作品。此获奖作品的赢家拥有选择奖品的第三选择权。
- Most Original Entry: The most creative or original entry as voted by an official jury. This winner gets third choice of prize.
- 随机抽选:通过 random.org 随机抽选赢家,鼓励踊跃参加的选手。此赢家拥有选择奖品的第四选择权。在公布完前面提及的获胜作品的名单后,再随机抽选此项获胜作品。如果机选的获胜作品的得票数量与评审小组选出的大冠军作品、论坛投票的获胜作品、最具原创作品的票数相同,我们会发起投票直到产生结果为止。
- Random Draw: This winner will be chosen randomly using random.org to encourage participation by those who may not be artistically inclined. This winner gets forth choice of prize. The Random Draw winner will be chosen after all other winners are announced. If the Random Draw winner is the same as the jury-selected Grand Champion, the Forum Choice, or Most Original Entry, successive numbers will be drawn until an unselected entry is chosen.
The usual obligatory jury FYI: The official jury will consist of Eidos Forum staff members and/or Square Enix employees and/or forum members. The exact method of voting will be announced once the comp is closed for entries. The (forum) names of the jury members and their votes will be publicly available once the winners have been announced. Public voting will be available for all forum members who have reached GAMER STATUS.
The rules
Maximum 5 entries per person/household. -
Keep your entry clean, in good taste and in accordance with our FORUM TOU. -
The deadline for submitting entries is Wednesday, 30 May 2012, 12PM CET -
We reserve the right to extend the deadline, for example if we receive a low number of entries. -
In the event of a tie, the person who posted first wins. -
Contestants can only win 1 prize; not a combination of for example 1st prize and 3rd prize. -
In cases of suspected fraud, winners are responsible for proofing ownership of their entry in order to claim their prize. -
Any entry that the forum staff deems inappropriate or not complying with the rules will not qualify and will be removed from this thread. -
Winners will be notified via PM and email. Winners must respond with their postal address within 2 weeks of being notified or else their prize may go to someone else. -
Judges decisions are final.
Good luck, everyone!
此次比赛概要:通过古墓迷们艺术的“双手”来创造惊喜(一幅画,一张素描或手绘,一座沙子城堡等),照张照片或者扫描,然后通过这个链接上传。从那个页面进入,生成论坛编码进入比赛。将会产生四名获胜者,主要奖项是布莱恩·霍顿的手绘作品!祝好运 This comp in a nutshell: Create a piece of TR fan art BY HAND (a painting, a sketch or hand drawing, a sand castle, etc), make a photo or scan it and upload it via THIS LINK. Post the generated code from that page in this forum thread to enter the competition. There will be 4 winners and the main prize is an original, hand drawn sketch by Brian Horton! Good luck |
=== Forum comp history ===
APR 2010: Forum Easter egg hunt
JUL 2011: Want some cool Tomb Raider goodies? It's competition time!
AUG 2011: Competition time - Photoshop caption fun. Win an exclusive poster and GI mag!
2011.11:得到木头?论坛赛时间,奖品包括火热的Nerd Machine merch!
NOV 2011: Got wood? It's forum competition numero tres. Prizes include hot Nerd Machine merch!
DEC 2011: ho, ho, ho! Forum comp #4 - Create a Christmas season sig
FEB 2012: Feel the love... it's forum comp #5 - Create your own V-Day card
MAR 2012: Forum comp #6 - Easter Fun
Previous comp winners and their prizes:
Small print:
1. 获奖者会在52天之内通过email或在 http://forums.eidosgames.com/ 的私人信息得到通知。
1. Winners will be notified within 52 days of closing date by e-mail or Private Message on http://forums.eidosgames.com/.
2. 获奖名单,包含姓名和国家,在比赛结束六周内公布。包含给发起人的有邮票邮戳的信封(详见第9条)。
2. A list of winners, including names and country, will be available within 6 weeks of competition closing. These can be obtained by sending a Stamped Addressed Envelope to the Promoter (see 9 below).
3. 史克威尔艾尼克斯欧洲部不对奖品丢失或者不正常投递负责。
3. Square Enix Europe accepts no responsibility for entries/prizes lost or distorted in transmission.
4. 奖品不能兑换成现金。
4. There is no cash alternative to the prizes.
5. 史克威尔艾尼克斯欧洲部保留更换同等价值奖品的权利。
5. Square Enix Europe reserves the right to substitute prizes with others of at least equivalent value.
6. 比赛不对史克威尔艾尼克斯欧洲部员工、代理人以及供应商开放。
6. Competition not open to employees of Square Enix Europe, their agents and suppliers.
7. 发起人的决定作为最终决定,无信件参与。
7. The Promoter's decision is final and no correspondence will be entered in to.
8. 无需购买。
8. No purchase necessary.
9. 比赛发起人是史克威尔艾尼克斯欧洲部,地址:Square Enix Europe, Wimbledon Bridge House, 1 Hartfield Road, Wimbledon, London, SW19 3RU。
9. The competition promoter is Square Enix Europe, Wimbledon Bridge House, 1 Hartfield Road, Wimbledon, London, SW19 3RU.