
发表时间:2012/03/20 00:00:00  来源:“swjtuhl”翻译  作者:梅根·玛丽  浏览次数:3217  

这是第十个官方的晶辟播客Crystal Habit  podcast),也是E3展会后水晶动力回到工作室发布的第七个全长的官方播客。

Thanks for listening to the seventh Crystal Habit podcast!

Ever wondered what it takes to script and shoot a cutscene? Crystal Creative Director Noah Hughes details the process in this episode of Crystal Habit Podcast. Karl Stewart also returns to answer a handful of longtime questions from listeners, and we crowdsource a segment from Tomb Raider fans as a Valentine’s week treat.

由于技术问题,晶辟播客第6集有一段时间曾无法观看。正因为如此,我们将最近的迷你竞赛延迟到3月13日,这样,玩家就由足够的时间来获得古墓丽影面北中的夹克和救生包。为了让玩家更容易操作,我们在本集博客中的最后几分钟时间里编译了所有的迷你竞赛题。记得在 TombRaider.com/podcast 输入三个问题来参与我们的活动。
Due to a technical snafu, The Crystal Habit Podcast: Episode 6 was unavailable for a period of time. As such, we’ve extended the most recent Trivia contest till March 13, giving you plenty of time to enter the running to nab a limited Tomb Raider North Face jacket and survival kit. To make it even easier on you, we’ve compiled all the trivia questions in the final minutes of the podcast. Remember to enter all three answers in the appropriate fields of TombRaider.com/podcast to participate!

Also, The Crystal Habit Podcast is finally up and running on iTunes! Subscribe to keep up with the show.


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