2012年1月27日,“古墓丽影中国”(现更名为“古墓丽影”)网站很荣幸得到水晶动力官方的认证,获得“官方认证爱好者网站(OFFICIAL TOMB RAIDER FANSITE)”称号,也很荣幸地成为第一个得到官方认证的中文网站。通过新的渠道,我们将能更好地与官方保持联系,并通过与官方的沟通和合作更好地为广大的华语玩家服务,努力将这个展示古墓丽影精彩世界的平台做得更好。
在最新一期的官方博客“社区综述”(Community Roundup)栏目中,水晶动力社区经理梅根·玛丽对三个新加入官方认证爱好者网站计划的网站表示了欢迎和祝贺。在这三个网站中,古墓丽影(即本站)位列其中,本站的截图也有幸成为了本期栏目的配图,另外两个新加入官方计划的网站是来自捷克的LaraHCroft Blog(http://larahcroft.blog.cz/)和来自波兰的Polish Tomb Raider Center(http://tombraider.gram.pl/)。
注:Community Roundup是水晶动力社区经理梅根·玛丽发布于官方博客上的一个栏目,用以介绍已加入官方计划的世界各地的古墓丽影认证爱好者网站及相关新闻,每周发布一期。
Fansite Directory
A community of dedicated webmasters, administrators, and moderators support Tomb Raider and ensure that the franchise thrives. Many of these individuals have been committed to sharing news and media about Lady Lara for over a decade. Below is an alphabetical list of official Tomb Raider fansites.
- AllGame: Tomb Raider (Italy)
- Captain Alban (France)
- Chantal’s Adventure (Germany)
- Croft Collection (France)
- Croft Generation (Spain)
- Gmly.Info (China)
- Guns and Grapple (United Kingdom)
- Katie’s Tomb Raider Site (Canada)
- Lara Croft BR (Brazil)
- Lara Croft Cosplay (USA)
- Lara Croft in Russia (Russia)
- Lara Croft Online (USA)
- Lara Croft Revolution (Italy)
- Lara Croft: The Raider (Jordan)
- Lara Daily (Brazil)
- Lara Society (Ireland)
- Lara’s Backpack (Portugal)
- Lara’s Generation (Germany)
- LaraCroft.Name (USA)
- LaraHCroft Blog (Czech Republic)
- Laraider (France)
- LaraWeb (Germany)
- Lufik’s Tomb Raider Blog (Czech Republic)
- Max Raider (USA)
- Planet Lara Blog (UK)
- Polish Tomb Raider Center (Poland)
- Portal Lara’s Backpack (Portugal/Brazil)
- Raiders Zone (Spain)
- Stella’s Tomb Raider Site (USA)
- The Croft Times (The Netherlands)
- The Music of Tomb Raider (New Zealand)
- The Tomb Raider Archive (UK)
- Tomb Raider Addict (France)
- Tomb Raider Adventure (Italy)
- Tomb Raider China (China)
- Tomb Raider Chronicles (United Kingdom)
- Tomb Raider France (France)
- Tomb Raider Game (Germany)
- Tomb Raider Girl (Germany)
- Tomb Raider Insider (Germany)
- Tomb Raider Italy (Italy)
- Tomb Raider Italia (Italy)
- Tomb Raider Italia Fanclub (Italy)
- Tomb Raider Level Editor (Brazil)
- Tomb Raider Net (France)
- Tomb Raider News Channel (The Netherlands)
- Tomb Raider Online (France)
- Tomb Raider Passion (Bulgaria)
- Tomb Raider Russia (Russia)
- Tomb Raider Saga (Spain)
- Tomb Raider Source (France)
- Tomb Raider Walkthroughs (The Netherlands)
- Tomb Raiders GR (Greece)
- Tombeau Croft (France)
- TombRaider.CH (Switzerland)
- TombRaiders.HU (Hungary)
- TRForge (Germany)
- TRScion (Finland)
- Tumba Croft (Brazil)
- WikiRaider (Germany)
- World of Tomb Raider (Poland)
Official Tomb Raider Portals
- TombRaider.com
- Tomb Raider on Facebook
- Tomb Raider on Twitter
- Tomb Raider on Google +
- Tomb Raider on YouTube
- Official Tomb Raider Forums