
发表时间:2015/03/19 00:00:00  来源:古墓丽影网站  作者:ZZer  浏览次数:8654  

《劳拉与奥西里斯神庙》官方在2015年2月1日发布了一个社区活动,可解锁“贝斯遗失之戒(Lost Ring of Bes)”,官方又叫它“大头戒指(Big Head Ring)”,因为使用此戒指,劳拉等一干人就会变成大头娃娃。据说贝斯(Bes)本为非洲的原始信仰,十二王朝时期方进入埃及,成为埃及的一个神祇,或许是因为他的特点就是个子矮,所以戴上他的戒指劳拉等人也就变得这般萌萌哒了。


Special Community Challenge: Double Date

Congrats on quickly extinguishing the “Fight the Fire” community challenge, taking out 10,000 fire enemies of all types in a single week! Hopefully you nabbed your 1000 gems as a reward.

This week we’re bringing back our special Khepri Amphitheater event for a prize you won’t want to miss. Work with the community to defeat both the Osiris’ puppet and Set in their respective realms 500 times and unlock the Lost Ring of Bes - also called the “Big Head Ring.” Remember: to activate this event you need to have it enabled in the LCTOO options menu.
We’ll also upload another remix from the LCTOO soundtrack once the community polishes off this challenge. Ready…set…go!
