
发表时间:2015/01/16 00:00:00  来源:“ZZer”翻译  作者:古墓丽影官方  浏览次数:4779  

· 职业杀手主题皮肤,包括标志性的银弹枪和特工专用手环,使角色增强武器的攻击性以及炸弹的威力。
· 杀出重围主题皮肤,包括Adam Jensen标志性的战斗步枪和增强手环,并使角色升级项减少10%的宝石。
· 古墓丽影传奇皮肤,包括黄金手枪和传奇手环,可以让角色拥有再生能力和更耐用的火炬。
下一个扩展包“扭曲的机器(Twisted Gears)”将于下个月开始预订。

Available Now: Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris Icy Death Pack
Ready for a new tomb to tackle? Today marks our first major DLC drop for Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris.
The Icy Death pack includes treacherous new puzzles to solve and enemies to defeat. It also includes fresh weapons, rings, amulets, and a skin for Lara which will look familiar to fans of Tomb Raider 2013.
You’ll find the entrance to the new tomb in the recently-unveiled Sunken City. Those who have purchased the season pass will have access to the pack content for free.
Also available today – if you missed out on our pre-order bonuses, all three outfit packs are up to purchase now:
Hitman themed skins including the iconic Silverballers and The Agent ring, which gives your character increased weapon damage and more powerful bombs.
Deus Ex themed skins, including Adam Jensen’s signature combat rifle and the Augment ring, which allows your character to upgrade items using 10% less gems.
Tomb Raider Legend skins including a golden pistol and The Legend ring, which gives your character health regeneration powers and a more powerful torch.
Keep an eye out for our next DLC drop – Twisted Gears – due next month.
*Please note – those who haven’t purchased the Season Pass or individual DLC bundles won’t be able to enter new tombs. You can still join into a friend’s game if they own a downloadable tomb, but the DLC areas won’t show up for the party.
