发表时间:2023/01/04 00:00:00 来源:古墓丽影网站 作者:ZZer 浏览次数:1505
图标 | 成就名称 | 获取条件 | iOS成就点数 |
古墓丽影 Tomb Raider |
收集游戏中的所有古代遗物、古代制品和武器 Collect all relics, artifacts and weapons |
即食寿司 Instant Sushi |
在深水区打败召唤怪兽 Vanquish the summoned beast in the watery depths |
击败索洛托 Vanquish Xolotl |
夺回烟之镜 Regain the mirror of smoke |
红了眼 Seeing Red |
收集任意关卡中的全部10个红色头骨 Collect all 10 red skulls in any single level |
信仰之跃 Leap of Faith |
让劳拉用抓钩将飞跃断崖的托泰克抓住 Catch Totec with the grapple while he is jumping over a death fall |
特优生 Overachiever |
完成任意关卡的特定奖励挑战 Complete any level-specific Reward Challenge |
患难之交 A Friend in Need |
玩合作模式 Play Co-op mode |
累加跳跃 Jump Jump |
在托泰克跳起时从他的盾牌上起跳 Jump from Totec's shield while he is jumping |
一石三鸟 Three Birds, One Stone |
用一枚炸弹杀死3个敌人 Kill 3 enemies with one bomb |
完美破解 Beat a Better Mousetrap |
同时激活“蜘蛛之墓”尖刺区域中的所有尖刺 Activate all of the spikes at once in the Spider Tomb spike field |
物归原主 Return to Sender |
用托泰克的盾牌将敌人的攻击反弹回去 Reflect an enemy's projectile back to him using Totec's shield |
养家糊口 Breadwinner |
在任意关卡中获得最高分目标 Earn the top score objective in any level |