2000年5月14日劳拉“化身”露西·克拉克森(Lucy Clarkson)为“与劳拉一起赢巫毒(Win Voodoo with Lara Croft)”比赛的第一名颁发奖品,这是3dfx的“巫毒5 5500”显卡促销活动的一部分。
And the Winner Is ... Aaron Breceda, You Rock!
Aaron Receives 3dfx's Latest Voodoo5 Board Hand-Delivered by Eidos Cyber-Vixen Lara Croft
A CRESCENTA, Calif., May 14 /PRNewswire/
3dfx公司今天宣布14岁的亚伦·布雷切达赢得了“与劳拉一起赢巫毒”比赛。今天上午10点,他的大奖,巫毒5 5500 AGP,将由艺夺公司的古墓丽影女主角劳拉·克劳馥亲自送到他家门口。亚伦是世界上第一个收到这款新高端3D图形显卡的客户,该产品以无与伦比的方式提供全场景硬件抗锯齿功能。亚伦令人羡慕的胜利将由DailyRadar独家直播,并仅在www.DailyRadar.com、www.3dfx.com和www.3dfxgamers.com上播放。
-- 3dfx Interactive® Inc. (Nasdaq: TDFX - news), today declared Aaron Breceda, 14, winner of the "Win Voodoo with Lara Croft"(SM) contest. Today, at 10 a.m., his grand prize, the full retail Voodoo5 5500 AGP package, will be delivered to his doorstep by Eidos' Tomb Raider® cyber-vixen, Lara Croft, in the flesh. Aaron is the first customer in the world to receive this hot, new, high-end 3D graphics product featuring full-scene hardware anti-aliasing in such unparalleled fashion. The thrill of Aaron's enviable victory will be web cast live exclusively by DailyRadar and carried only on www.dailyradar.com, www.3dfx.com and www.3dfxgamers.com.
“劳拉·克劳馥是参加比赛的一个主要原因,当然,我也想要一张巫毒5显卡,”初中生亚伦说,“我真正想要的是巫毒5 6000 AGP,但无论如何这已经很酷了,我不必再购买新软件,我现在可以玩所有的游戏了。哦,还有,劳拉·克劳馥很性感,我也迫不及待地想见到她。”
"Lara Croft in the flesh was a major reason for entering the contest, but let's face it: I wanted a Voodoo5 card," said Aaron, a junior high school student. "What I really want is the Voodoo5 6000 AGP, but this is cool either way because I don't have to buy new software. I can run all the games I have right now. And, yeah, Lara Croft is hot. I can't wait to see her too."
"This unique contest has attracted a high level of interest about our next generation of products," said Scott Taylor, director of corporate marketing for 3dfx. "Aaron and over 100,000 others were not only clamoring for Lara Croft, but the awesome power of our new Voodoo5 product. I think Aaron's the luckiest guy on earth -- Voodoo5 will let him be one of the first to play Tomb Raider with our true, full-scene hardware anti-aliasing technology. Lara Croft at his front door will give him bragging rights for years to come.
Aaron will also receive the entire Tomb Raider game series: Tomb Raider I, II and III; I, II and III Gold Series; and The Last Revelation.
五位第二名的获胜者将获得古墓丽影系列游戏。超过十万名美国和加拿大居民通过3dfx网站,以及Babbages、Buy.com、CompUSA、DailyRadar.com、Egghead和Value America零售商网站参加了比赛。
The five second place winners receive the Tomb Raider game series. Over 100,000 US and Canada residents entered the contest either through the 3dfx website or any of a variety of leading retailer's sites including Babbages, Buy.com, CompUSA, DailyRadar.com, Egghead, and Value America.