1999年科幻频道宣传广告:“我是科幻 - 劳拉·克劳馥”
古墓丽影为科幻频道(Sci-Fi Channel)拍摄的宣传广告,名为“我是科幻 - 劳拉·克劳馥(I am Sci Fi - Lara Croft)”。根据发布者介绍,曾有人在Nexus IIRC杂志的CD中看到过此视频。
原视频网址:https://www.facebook.com/TurningPointWEB/videos/lara-croft-sci-fi-commercial/1425222947631754/(发布者:Turning Point)
Rage quitting before online gaming 😆 Does anyone remember this commercial? 💕
Apparently it was a promo from a channel of the time called "Sci-Fi" tho i never understood that until now xD
Got the video from here but I fixed the audio: https://youtu.be/mGdQFJeLZEQ
I remember seeing it for the first time in a CD from a magazine, Nexus IIRC, the CD was filled with TR stuff, images from the games and comics and different trailers like this one. -Danny